Tuesday, 2 March 2010

It is, according to my recent experiences in England, necessary to address the following issues:

1.) My inability to routine
2.) Coffee adiction round 1
3.) God
4.) School
5.) Travel
6.) Puns

These aren't quantitative values.

4,5,3, 1, 2, 6

The last of which began as the first.

"So the last shall be first, and the first last"

That is, the first nugget of effecting a journalistic hoby. The idea enticed me months ago, but i have a fear of intangible realities.
"People with that kind of honesty make me..."

Students move into their dorm rooms on the same day, same Friday, Saturday, Sunday before school begins on a Tuesday. They call it "organised chaos" because people help you move-in on your designated, organized day.

4) James Joyce. I'm reading James Joyce. Well, I'm reading Ulysses, which is written by James Joyce.

5. a. The particular character, nature, structure, or constitution of a thing; the particular mode in which a thing exists or manifests itself, (4.c.) and the knowledge of which enables it to be freely produced (OED).

Four revisited for five women:

Modules/classes/courses for spring semester abroad:

Introduction to English Language Teaching

James Joyce Revolutions of the Word

The Emergence of Cubism 1900-1914


(2) Picasso's Grandmother, (5) Braques Girlfriend, (4) Bufalo Bill, (1) Boxer, (6) Sailor, (3) a response to feminism, or a response to women's rights (a less connotatively tainted word, I think)

Asside: In England you can mix everything on your plate, and it still tastes the same. Last night I put rice pudding over potatoes, thinking the rice pudding was risotto. It was not risotto.

Rice Pudding Active Ingredients:
Rice, Milk, butter, sugar

Risotto Active Ingredients:
Rice, Cheese, and other ingredients resembling that of traditional english deserts.

Aught: In the beginning there was...

I grew up in...Did you hear about the death of J.D. Salinger? Commemorating his death, the bookstore at Uni stacked neatly beside the register, three of his books/collections of short stories. What an introduction! None of that Oscar Wilde? No.

Please hold.


"None of that David Copperfield kind of crap." Not even his best work in my opinion.

Sweet child
Debauched teen
Roaming youth

2) It always smells so good in the morning.

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